Hello little people! You know what? I dicovered that I have a reader! uuuh, just one, but is one! HAHA. And this lovely people called Van, asked me for continue with the blog. I would do that someday. Some far far day. Well, take a cookie there (even if it seems like meat, it is not HAHA!) and I've got green tea, blood orange and... camomile. Yes yes, sure, you can help yourself, please!
Rurum, whatever. The thing is that I'm here and that is the point. I will try to not stop. Really.
My mom and I have the same taste for things like music, art and clothes; What is good, so I can use her clothes and shoes, and her mine (Ecxept for my shoes, her feet is smaler).
Anyway, and I heard she listening to a pretty song with a soft and nice voice singer. That voice was from Damien Rice, the same guy that plays "I can't take my eyes of you" -- cry heaps -- Damien've got a very nice voice and his songs have a beautifull lyrics. I don't know to much about him, but maybe his songs say a bit of a sweet boy inside him. At least it is what I hear. I'm talking about him because his songs sometimes have something with me, you know.
Well, his lyrics sometimes is rather melancolic, but I like his style. And, let's say just between us, he is pretty! And I'm gonna live here the link for the albuns:
Cannonball, Dogs and I can't take my eyes are my favorites and another ones I forgot the name. I told you before that I'm very bad for remember names? Yeah. So, see you after with more cookies and a longer post. Is just for re-open for the 109869576°th time :3
Until the very future!
Hey there!
ResponderExcluirI'm happy cause you're here again but... Are you already going? ihsahaisashiaishi
Don't ever have a taste of it!
Keep writing even if you don't think it's a nice thing to say, who cares? Where here just to read! ihsahisahisahisa
If you think something, you gotta write it!
UAHSUAHSUAH thanks for came!! Very glad with your visit. So, I'm gonna write more times yes.. But when I get not that lazy, ok? HAHA hope you keep reading. Kisses!