Hello! Have a sit while I make your tea. You can eat these cookies after this :3 Oh, was so easy to made them! I know, is delicious... You know what? I will show you the recipe! I take from a brazilian site, called
Simplesmente Delícia (www.simplesmentedelicia.com) - Is a very good recipes sites! Anyway, take a paper and a pen here in this table. Yes, there.
- 2 glasses and two spoons of flour
- ½ little spoon of baking soda
- ½ little spoon f salt
- 150 grams unsalted butter
- 1 glass - full- brown sugar (I make without this, because I don't have, but you can try)
- ½ glass white sugar
- 1 egg and one egg yolk
- 2 desert spoon vanilla extract
- 1 ½ glass choped dark chocolate
How to do:
1. Preheat oven to 180ºC. Line 2 baking trays with baking paper.
2. In a bowl, mix the flour, baking soda and salt. Reserve.
3. Beater in other bowl the sugars and the butter; until the dought is soft and creamy, almost 5 minuts. After put the egg, the egg yolk and vanilla and beater more, more and less, 3 a 4 minutes.
4. Slow down and put the dry things slowly. When the dry ingredients are embedded, stop the beater and mix the chop chocolate.
5. With a spoon or with your hands, make little balls - in the size of a ping pong ball. After, place them on the board. Put the board on the oven for 15 or 18 minutes.
Imortant: The cookies will seems raw, but this is normal. Keep coller for 5 minutes.
If you will do more than one board, don't put them togheter on the oven. Don't use the board warm for put more cookies, wait until it are cold again. And use you creativity! Mix dark chocolate with white chocolate :3
After this, the cookies will be soooo delicious! I say it because I made them and with that recipe really are georgeous. I hope you can understand what I sayd HAHA! If you want read the recipe in portuguese, follow the link:

In my photo the "white" ones are more good, because the second board I put more time tan necessaire >_<'' So, the white ones was ate to fast and because this in the photo you will just can see the borned ones HAHA! Delicious, you must try. /Ohno,Ilookfatinthispic.
Anyhow, Now you can make you own cookies! Well, I will go now and wait for the next post :3 With more tea, cookies and a good chat. See you later, little friend!