quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Pissed off :3

Hello little people, thank you for coming! I have some cookies there, you can take them! And I've also got ice tea flavor... I have Pea and Pea. HAHA! Yes, just that one, you can take it
. Don't be shy! Take more cookies! They are not that bad, is it? So, take more ^^
While you eating there, I came to talk about a
thing that I really like! Well, I start to like them, this dolls of years 50th, that are femomist. I don't know the history about them, but those women make me laugh! They are like sarcastic sometimes too and

I don't know what about boys but girls like it, hehe. I'm putting some images, but this one is not the only post of the day, don't worry if you are a boy r
eading this, HAHA! Why? Well, is just that I'm felling like that :3 And don't ask me for look about their story now, I will after a big pot of ice cream.

Gonna se you in several minutes with more cookies! :3 <- this face sound very sarcastic is this post. HAHA! :3

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