Olá pessoa que lê isso! Pegue esse pacote com biscoitos e seu chá gelado, vai ser breve meu anúncio. Durante toda essa semana, a igreja Adventista de todo o Brasil está com uma programação muito interessante com o Pastor Luiz Gonçalves, via satélite de Belo Horizonte. Se estiver interessado, a programação será em todas as igrejas Adventistas, e se não me engano, começará a partir das oito horas. São temas muito bons e sempre é bom ir á casa de Deus e poder escutar sobre Ele sempre abrindo o seu livro sagrado. Caso você não possa ir, pois estuda ou trabalha de noite, o site esperanca.com.br está disponibilizando todas as gravações durante a semana para que você não perca nada! Eu fui ontem e o tema era sobre a morte, tratando sobre o que Deus diz sobre isso na bíblia, foi realmente interessante e estou ansiosa pela programação de hoje. Está dado o aviso, se puder vá que não vai se arrepender ^^
segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011
When I get older...
YOHAI, I told I would back, didn't I? So, I'm here to talk about how I want to look like when I get older! Take those chocolate cookies there and the pea tea.
First of all, when I get older, I want to look back and read an beautiful history about my life. And I want prove it with my geogeous husband by my side for more than 40 years, three sons and daughters with grandchildren and I want to know hot to cook well for them also XD And I want to be happy, having a good university and lot of friends. The old and good ones! For look crazy like these old peoples :

And for be like them, I must start now. You too! Being stressful will not help you to live more and have a pleasure for each new day that begin. And you can have self-police for fix the wrong things that are in your life now. Some bad feeling, some broke friendship, maybe. Things that make you feel bad now and you know it can keep for ever and ever if you do not do anything for change it. Perhaps words like "sorry", "thank you" or even quotes, actions... Making good actions you can know more good friends and feel sooo good. Let's be like those old ladies when we fet older, ei?! Smile until it broke your sorrow and sadness.
" Smile. Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by ~ "
Remember that and let's have a good and nice life \õ/ WITH TEAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
see you =D
Pissed off :3

. Don't be shy! Take more cookies! They are not that bad, is it? So, take more ^^
While you eating there, I came to talk about a
thing that I really like! Well, I start to like them, this dolls of years 50th, that are femomist. I don't know the history about them, but those women make me laugh! They are like sarcastic sometimes too and

I don't know what about boys but girls like it, hehe. I'm putting some images, but this one is not the only post of the day, don't worry if you are a boy r
eading this, HAHA! Why? Well, is just that I'm felling like that :3 And don't ask me for look about their story now, I will after a big pot of ice cream.

Gonna se you in several minutes with more cookies! :3 <- this face sound very sarcastic is this post. HAHA! :3
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011
Damien Rice (>w<)//

Hello little people! You know what? I dicovered that I have a reader! uuuh, just one, but is one! HAHA. And this lovely people called Van, asked me for continue with the blog. I would do that someday. Some far far day. Well, take a cookie there (even if it seems like meat, it is not HAHA!) and I've got green tea, blood orange and... camomile. Yes yes, sure, you can help yourself, please!
Rurum, whatever. The thing is that I'm here and that is the point. I will try to not stop. Really.
My mom and I have the same taste for things like music, art and clothes; What is good, so I can use her clothes and shoes, and her mine (Ecxept for my shoes, her feet is smaler).
Anyway, and I heard she listening to a pretty song with a soft and nice voice singer. That voice was from Damien Rice, the same guy that plays "I can't take my eyes of you" -- cry heaps -- Damien've got a very nice voice and his songs have a beautifull lyrics. I don't know to much about him, but maybe his songs say a bit of a sweet boy inside him. At least it is what I hear. I'm talking about him because his songs sometimes have something with me, you know.
Well, his lyrics sometimes is rather melancolic, but I like his style. And, let's say just between us, he is pretty! And I'm gonna live here the link for the albuns:
Cannonball, Dogs and I can't take my eyes are my favorites and another ones I forgot the name. I told you before that I'm very bad for remember names? Yeah. So, see you after with more cookies and a longer post. Is just for re-open for the 109869576°th time :3
Until the very future!
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